Sunday, 16 May 2010

Club Penguin: New Message in Newspaper!

Hello Penguins, Rossa2009 is here! This Thursday, I found a new hidden information that Gary revealed in the Club Penguin Times Issue #239.

This is what the new message looks in the newspaper:

Here is what the new message is:

Attention Agents:

Thank you for your work to decode Herbert’s Message.
The Director is very impressed with your secret agent
skills. But his message concerns us…

Dear Penguin Silly Agency,

Look sharp Agent…I’ll see you on May 18.

- Herbert P. Bear

It looks like the new mission is coming on may 18. What do you think? Comment and let me know!

Club Penguin New Postcards

Club Penguin released a few new postcards to send to our buddies! Here check out the few new postcards you can choose from:

Club Penguin added a new ‘Welcome’ Postcard:

The postcard below is brand new, its called the ‘Community Garden’ Postcard

Those are the new postcards! Be sure to send some of your buddies the new cards!

Friday, 7 May 2010

New Club Penguin Medieval Postcard!

Hello Penguins, CutePinga200 is here! Today Club Penguin has just a released a new postcard which is a medieval postcard.

This is how the Tree Forts Postcard looks like:

New Club Penguin Medieval Postcard!

I like the new postcard, do you like it? Comment and let us know what you think about it!

New Club Penguin Medieval Party Login Screen

Tons of new updates today! Club Penguin released the Medieval Party, and with it came a new login screen! Beware of all the dragons in Club Penguin right now. Here check out the new login screen:

New Club Penguin Medieval Party Login Screen

The dragons, quests, and new items are really creative! Hope you have a good time with the new Medieval Party.

New Club Penguin Medieval Party 2010 Cheats

Along with the Medieval Party a new free item has been released to Club Penguin, available both to members and non-members.

Here is how to get the Wizard’s Hat:

1. Open your map at the upper-right part of your screen
2. Go to the beach
3. Enter the Lighthouse
4. Head to the table to get the free item.

What do you think of the Wizard’s Hat? Are you happy that Club Penguin brought it back again?

Thursday, 6 May 2010

Club Penguin Times Issue #238

Club Penguin released the Club Penguin Times Issue #238! Finally the Medieval Party will be coming out tomorrow. We have a big adventure on the way, I can’t wait to explore all the quests Club Penguin has put together! I wonder what new items are coming in the new catalog as well! Lets get to the full review:

Club Penguin Times Issue #238

Club Penguin discusses in Section A1 of the newspaper how there will be two quests for members! They also tell us how there will be dragons at the party, better watch out!

Club Penguin Times Issue #238

Be sure to check out the pool during the party, Club Penguin lets us know that the Knight’s quests will be at the pool while the party is in town. Tree forts are coming with the party as well.

Club Penguin Times Issue #238

Here are some upcoming events for the month of May:

  • May 6th: New Pin.
  • May 7th: Medieval Party Kicks Off, New Penguin Style.
  • May 14th: New Postcards, New Better Igloos, and Igloo Upgrades Catalogs.
  • May 28th: New Igloo Music.

Club Penguin Medieval Party Costumes!

Hello Penguins, Rossa2009 here! On Medieval Party which is May 7th, 2010, Club Penguin will be releasing a party. When the party launches, a lot of things will be going you will see how every rooms will be decorated with thrones!

Here is how the Medieval Party outfit for girls might look on your penguin:

Club Penguin Medieval Party Costumes!

Club Penguin might bring some old items, this items might appear in the Penguin Style Catalog:

Club Penguin Medieval Party Costumes!

There is one item who will be the Wizard. You will be able to get it even if you are a non-member penguin! Here is how the Wizard Hat and Wizard Stick are going look on your penguin:

Club Penguin Medieval Party Costumes!

Scepter will come during the Medieval Party. It might be for members, but we never know! Here is how the Scepter costume will look like:

Club Penguin Medieval Party Costumes!

Which is your favorite costume of Medieval Party? Comment and let us know what you think!

Tuesday, 4 May 2010

Club Penguin : Medieval Party Sneak Peek!

The Medieval Party 2010 will be arriving to Club Penguin this Friday. Almost every room in the island will be decorated as this is one of the most anticipated parties of the year! Last year, Club Penguin has a quest for members. The quest was a lot of fun and a big success. With that being said, The Club Penguin team has decided to have two quest’s this year! Fortunately, We were able to get a sneak peek of one! Check it out below:

Club Penguin : Medieval Party Sneak Peek!

Look’s awesome, Do you agree? Leave a comment and let us know what you’re look forward to seeing at the party this year!

-Rossa2009: Active Author Of CP Frenzee-

Club Penguin: Card-Jitsu Fire Game Updates!

Hello Penguins, Rossa2009 is here with some updates that Club Penguin did to make the game easier to play. When it’s your turn you need to chose an element, you could easily drop your mouse over the element to see what cards that are available for the element.

Frenzen's mouse (My friend) is on the element fire and I can see the cards that are available:

Club Penguin: Card Jitsu Fire Game Updates!

Now when you lose 1 point of energy you could see colored rings around these points that usually matches penguin’s colour:

Club Penguin: Card Jitsu Fire Game Updates!

I really like that there are colored rings around the points, do you know any other updates? Comment and let me know about if you ever played Card-Jitsu Fire Game with your friends? Do you like Card-Jitsu Fire Game?

Saturday, 1 May 2010

Club Penguin Times Issue #237

Club Penguin released issue #237 of the Club Penguin Times today! Medieval party is kicking off very soon, and Club Penguin has much in store for us in the coming month of May. Lets start reviewing this weeks newspaper:

Club Penguin Times Issue #237
Club Penguin discusses everything about the Medieval party coming to the island on May 7th! Be sure to bring your swords and bring your helmets, your in for a great adventure!

Club Penguin Times Issue #237

Be sure to check out the gift shop on May 7th, Club Penguin always does a crazy catalog for the Medieval Party. Here are some of the upcoming events, you don’t want to miss:

  • April 30th: New Igloo Music.
  • May 6th: New Hidden Pin.
  • May 7th: New Penguin Style, Medieval Party starts.
  • May 14th: New Postcards, New Better Igloos and Igloo Upgrades Catalogs.

Club Penguin Medieval Party 2010 Construction In Rooms

Hey penguins. Club Penguin, have added some tools for penguins to be working on the Medieval Party coming next Thursday. There are several rooms with tools and signs. Here are some rooms:
The Plaza
Club Penguin Medieval Party 2010 Construction In Rooms
The town
Club Penguin Medieval Party 2010 Construction In Rooms
The beach:
Club Penguin Medieval Party 2010 Construction In Rooms
There are other rooms as well that are under construction, they are filled with things ready for the Medieval Party 2010. What do you think of the construction? Let me know!

New Club Penguin Medieval Login Screen!

Club Penguin have added a brand new Medieval login screen, as the Medieval Party is coming next Thursday. Check it out:
New Club Penguin Medieval Login Screen

I love this new login screen, what do you think? Let me know your thoughts!